ClearviewHwy® font software was developed by the Clearview design team at the request of the Texas Department of Transportation. This True Type font software incorporates full mixed case (capital and lower case) fonts with precise word spacing for each typeface in the font software and includes a fraction builder.
Clearview is purchased as a one-time font license based on the anticipated number of workstations using the font software within an organization/business/institution.
Clicking the link above will redirect you to Terminal Design, Inc., where you can view pricing, select the desired fonts, make payments and download your fonts instantly.
Purchase Options:
- Complete Family of ClearviewHWY® Type System
13 font family including both negative contrast and positive contrast fonts. - Positive Contrast Fonts (Light type on dark background)
7 font set for used with positive contrast applications includes ClearviewHWY® 5-W-R (reduced spacing). - Negative Contrast Fonts (Dark type on light background)
6 font set used with negative contrast applications. - Individual Font — weights can be purchased as can a 6-weight positive or negative contrast package.

Individual font weights can be purchased as can a 6-weight positive or negative contrast package.
Purchased fonts are provided electronically.
Conversion reference to FHWA Standard Alphabets
The chart above (right column) identifies which FHWA Standard Alphabet Series is being replaced by Clearview. The conversion is based on similar stroke width and letter compression (amount letter is condensed, and stroke width narrowed).
The Clearview was designed for use on modern types of retroreflective sheeting, including high brightness sheeting products and based on letter structure that would accomplish specific requirements of readability.